Welcome to Fire Foam Services


We show clients how to test their own produced foam (finished foam) from expanded foam based fire fighting systems using a field test kit as an alternative to analysis by a laboratory.

Seawater Produced Foam Test Kit Contents
Fresh Water Produced Foam Test Kit Contents


Demostramos a las personas como someter a prueba su propia espuma producida (espuma terminada) a partir de sistemas de extincion de incendios basados en espuma expansiva, utilizando un equipo de prueba de campo como alternativa al analisis realizado por un laboratorio.


مرحبًا بكم في تدريب إطفاء الحرائق. نعرض للعملاء كيفية اختبار رغوة الاطفاء التي ينتجونها (الرغوة النهائية) من أنظمة مكافحة الحرائق القائمة على الرغوة باستخدام مجموعة اختبارات كبديل للتحليل بواسطة المختبر.


Mostramos às pessoas como testar sua própria espuma produzida (espuma pronta) a partir de espumas expandidas baseadas em sistemas de combate a incêndio usando um kit de teste de campo como uma alternativa para análise por um laboratório.


Добро пожаловать на Fire Foam Training. Мы показываем людям, как тестировать пену их собственного производства (готовую пену) из систем пожаротушения на основе пены, используя набор для полевых испытаний в качестве альтернативы анализу в лаборатории.

Using our Produced Foam Test Kit, a simple desktop test performed at site can determine the produced foam concentration in under 30 minutes. This is particularly useful if the site is conducting multiple tests to fix a failing system or if the client wants to ensure the system has passed before sending final samples to a laboratory for independent verification if so required by the Certifying Authority.


We offer a comprehensive training course to certify personnel involved in the on-site testing of produced foam from expanded foam based fire fighting systems, typically those covered by NFPA11 and  British Standards BS EN 13565-1:2019 and BS EN 13565-2018 but the test method is equally applicable to other Standards that require foam concentration to be confirmed by site test.  The Produced Foam Course teaches site personnel how to take good quality foam samples and test them on site, as well as troubleshooting problem systems.



The "Produced Foam Testing" app is now available and is intended to reduce the human error in creating the calibration line and reading off the produced foam concentration. The app generates a one page Produced Foam Test Report which can be submitted to Certifying Authorities as evidence of a successful test. It can be downloaded for free to try for 10 tests from the Apple Appstore or from Google Play with an in-app purchase to unlock all the features.  More details about the app can be found here.

Click the link for further details of our Produced Foam Testing Course and if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Dates and venues can be made available for the convenience of travelling attendees and training at the customer's site is also available by appointment.  Please contact us if you have a specific requirement.



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